Friday 18 September 2015

Autumn Term

Welcome back to Year 4 and the Autumn Term!

Mrs. Nicholson and Mr. Shadbolt are really looking forward to sharing lots of exciting learning opportunities with the children this term. We have topics on the Tudors in History, Electricity in Science, Orienteering in PE and many others.

Mr. Hull began the Wider Opportunities music programme with the children this week, and everyone was really thrilled with the chance to pick up a guitar and strum the afternoon away. This is a fantastic opportunity for the children to learn a new instrument, and show off some hidden talents. There will be performances throughout the year that parents can attend so that they can share in their child's musical achievements.

Mr. Grey is working with us once again on a Tuesday morning, and has introduced a school-wide "Rise Park Marathon" scheme that everyone is taking part in. The children are very keen to walk, jog or run one complete mile (in laps) of the school playing field. Please make sure that your child has the appropriate P.E. kit in school at all times, because they will be asked to practise for the Marathon at regular intervals in the week.

Finally, may we remind you that the children have now been set their half-termly homework project on The Tudors. We have asked the children to research an aspect of Tudor life or history and present it in whatever way they see fit; this could be a PowerPoint, an artefact, a cooked dish... whatever their imagination can conceive! We look forward to seeing what your children can produce when this project is due in after half-term break.

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