Wednesday 12 November 2014

Autumn Term 2

Hello Bloggers!!

It was an extremely eventful time last half term with so many successes to share!  We enjoyed Harvest Festival, learning about 'The Humble Apple' - a cross curricular topic, including learning about Sir Issac Newton and the discovery of gravity and the life cycle of an apple tree.  We also created our own Apple logo and learnt a song which we performed in assembly.

Eco-week was such a fun time in school especially as we got the opportunity to meet our Columbian visitors and open the Spanish library.  We were filmed by Notts TV and were on their news too!  We learnt all about the Dominican Republic and Cuba, including the differences in climate and landscape and writing a green monster story in our English lesson.

As well as these exciting events we also completed a safety questionnaire which had very positive results.  We were asked what keeps us safe at school, home and on the Internet and were able to offer lots of ideas.  Please see the website for a more detailed breakdown of the answers.

We really enjoyed our time with Commando Joe and he taught us some valuable lessons on fitness, fun and discipline.

This half term has already seen us design, make and evaluate a light up firework!  We used kitchen rolls, tissue paper and a battery operated circuit to create our colourful fireworks and then showed them in assembly. 

Thank you very much for the fantastic donations to Operation Christmas Child.  This year we managed to fill 13 boxes in Year Four! 

We are really looking forward to Friday and joining in the fun dressing up for Children In Need.  Remember the theme is 'Be Your Hero' so it's always nice to see people dressing up as a family member or someone they look up to.

Guitars with Mr Hull is still continuing this half term and we are thoroughly enjoying it!  We are learning new notes and chords and putting them together to create some great songs.

The Christmas Production this year is called 'Christmas is Forever' and is based on a James Bond theme.  We don't want to give too much away but the children will be learning the songs to the performance soon and we will be in touch with regards to costumes. 

Wednesday 3 September 2014


The Year Four team would like to welcome you back to the new term.  We are all looking forward to teaching the children and working closely with you over the next year.

The newsletter for the year group will be following shortly which will give you an overview of the events happening in the next term.

We are looking forward to starting guitar lessons with Mr Hull.  This is a fantastic opportunity for the children to learn or further develop a skill and it is free for this year!!

We are extremely pleased with how well the children have settled over the first few days and hope that they continue with a positive, hard-working attitude.

The homework project for this half term will be based on the Tudors.  We will be asking the children to research an area of the Tudor period and present it to the rest of the class.  More details will follow with the children next week.

If you have any questions or would like to speak to one of the Year Four team please do not hesitate to catch us at the door or ring if easier!

Monday 28 April 2014

Summer update!

What a marvellous yet busy start to our 'Healthy Lifestyles' week!!  Both Year 4 classes have enjoyed a taster session of Karate this afternoon.  A leaflet will be sent home later in the week for anyone interested
in attending sessions over at the Community Centre - keep a look out for it!

Super healthy smoothies will be available to Year 4 on Wednesday.  Simply bring in 50p and buy one
at break time for a different morning healthy snack.

Homework Project for this term - you should have received a note giving details of our research project linked to produce we are attempting to grow in school.  Projects need to be handed in no later than Tuesday 3rd June.

Commando Joe Thursday - make sure you are here on time to take part in the playground warm-up sessions   at 8.55 am with Commando Joe!  Lucky Year 4 will also get another opportunity on a Thursday to work with him playing a range of team building games. Do make sure full outdoor P.E. kit is in school at all time please as now the weather is improving we hope to get outside a lot more.  Children who have full attendance during the term will get the chance to go on the huge inflatable!!

Newstead Abbey Camp will soon be upon us.  Please check your list and make sure you're ready and prepared for the excitement to come!

Guitar performance coming soon!  The children will have the opportunity to perform in front of the school showcasing their talents on 17th July.  This will be a wonderful finale to their very hard work and effort throughout the year.


Monday 2nd June - INSET Day
Friday 27th June - Summer Fair
Wednesday 16th July @ 1.30pm - KS2 sports day
Thursday 24th July - Last day of term

Wednesday 8 January 2014

New year, new start, new goals!

A happy new year to you all and we hope you have had a positive start. The children have settled well into the new term and we are keen for them to continue on this positive drive! The Spring term is a vital time for the children to be trying their best and working hard to achieve their potential. We will be challenging them everyday in the classroom and encouraging them to meet these challenges with a positive attitude! Hopefully by now you have received the newsletter and are up to date with the activities that will be happening this term in Year 4. Please see the 'Upcoming Activities' section if you require any further information. We are very much looking forward to working with Miss Green in our PE lessons on a Friday and are certain that the children will benefit greatly from working with an outstanding PE specialist - a real treat! Finally, the children have all been thinking hard about a new personal target for this half term. Please ask your child what they have decided on and what they are going to do to ensure they achieve it. The class budget (for each class) for the Autumn has been rolled over to this term as the children decided they would like to save the money and spend it at the end of the year!