Wednesday 25 September 2013

Welcome to our Year Four update!

What a busy few weeks it has been – already we have managed a visit to the E-Learning centre over at Top Valley where we used an amazing ICT programme called Grid Magic!  This was linked to our Tudor topic and the children produced images based on portraits of well known Tudors.  Watch this space for photos coming soon..!

Our Wider Opportunities programme is well under way with Mr Hull steering us all in the right direction!  We are very much looking forward to showcasing our talents later on in the year.  Meanwhile, we are working hard to learn the basics such as remembering the rhyme for the order of the notes on the guitars – Elephants And Donkeys Grow Big Ears (EADGBE)!

Thank you is the theme of our Harvest this year; the children have performed a wonderful Harvest poem to the rest of the school, with both Year Four classes working together.

Finally, just a quick reminder about our Tudor homework project!  The children need to research an aspect of the Tudor’s and present it in an interesting way.  This could be in the form of a poster, a PowerPoint presentation, an artefact or anything you would enjoy making – use your imagination and have fun!   The Tudor’s is a wide topic so we suggest you may want to narrow it down.  For example, you may want to research clothes, food, Henry VIII, Shakespeare, explorers, the list is endless!  The project is due in by Monday 14th October and the children will be able to present them during that week.