Friday 18 September 2015

Autumn Term

Welcome back to Year 4 and the Autumn Term!

Mrs. Nicholson and Mr. Shadbolt are really looking forward to sharing lots of exciting learning opportunities with the children this term. We have topics on the Tudors in History, Electricity in Science, Orienteering in PE and many others.

Mr. Hull began the Wider Opportunities music programme with the children this week, and everyone was really thrilled with the chance to pick up a guitar and strum the afternoon away. This is a fantastic opportunity for the children to learn a new instrument, and show off some hidden talents. There will be performances throughout the year that parents can attend so that they can share in their child's musical achievements.

Mr. Grey is working with us once again on a Tuesday morning, and has introduced a school-wide "Rise Park Marathon" scheme that everyone is taking part in. The children are very keen to walk, jog or run one complete mile (in laps) of the school playing field. Please make sure that your child has the appropriate P.E. kit in school at all times, because they will be asked to practise for the Marathon at regular intervals in the week.

Finally, may we remind you that the children have now been set their half-termly homework project on The Tudors. We have asked the children to research an aspect of Tudor life or history and present it in whatever way they see fit; this could be a PowerPoint, an artefact, a cooked dish... whatever their imagination can conceive! We look forward to seeing what your children can produce when this project is due in after half-term break.

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Spring Term

Hi Year Four Bloggers!

Wow!  Last half term was such a busy one with lots of exciting events that happened! 

Mr Gray has joined us for PE on a Friday and last half term taught the children about the Haka which they really enjoyed.  The lessons resulted in the children teaching the rest of Key Stage Two how to perform a Haka in an assembly.  Why don't you show your skills at home?  This half term the children are being taught striking skills and ho to put them into practice in game situations - remember your outdoor kits as these lessons are outside!

Enterprise week was a really exciting week and gave the opportunity for the children to work with their siblings and other children across the school.  In Year Four we thought about future careers and became architects for the week.  The children were lucky enough to use a new programme in the ICT suite called 'Sketch Up' which enabled them to design buildings electronically.  Other activities also included; building pyramids out of spaghetti and marshmallows and putting their design ideas into a prototype which was then pitched in a 'Dragons Den' style.

Guitars continues to be a popular and successful aspect of our curriculum and we are working towards a performance at the end of the year.

Thank you to those children that represented Rise Park at the Bigwood Sports Hall Competition.  We came a proud 4th and the children were a credit to the school.

This half term continues to be busy, with World Book Day this week and Comic Relief next Friday.  We are also potentially planning some out of school visits - some local and others further afield.  More details to follow in the near future.

The new Commando Joe is settling in well and is bringing the inflatable into school on Thursday 26th March.  The children that have had 100% punctuality in March will be given the opportunity to have a go on it.  Remember to be on time every day and line up on the playground at 8.55am!!!

The homework project this half term is linked to the Enterprise week we had last half term.  We would like the children to create an Easter egg hunt for a budget of £10.00.  They need to plan the hunt, the costings and the logistics of the event.  The pan can be written, drawn, presented in a Powerpoint or a 3D model.  The children must include a break down of the costs.  The project is due in by Monday 30th March please. The children will be given the opportunity to share what they have done.

May we take this opportunity to remind you that the Easter egg competition is also at the end of that week and will take place on Thursday 2nd April.

We are looking forward to meeting you all at Parent's Evening next week - please request an appointment if you haven't done so already.

Finally, we would like to take the opportunity to point you in the direction of the Blog link we have with the Columbian school.  Please click on the attached link.